The Meanings We Give & The Stories We Tell
Okay, so it's great that I want to help people remember to meditate, remember the truth of them, remember to do good practices, and remember what they already know. But I honestly do not have those sorts of elevated thoughts and practices all the time. I get bogged down by my triggers and ego and self-pity and egoic reactions too. So now it's time to tell on myself. (I have a feeling I'm going to be doing from time to time. I've got lots of opportunities for that.) All my life, it has been my goal to be "perfect." And even now - even while knowing to my core that perfect isn't a real thing, that having a standard of what I do or who I am in order to accept myself isn't realistic - I don't want to be "not perfect." Really, I don't want to make any mistakes whatsoever or ever let anyone else down. Deep down, that's rooted in the desire for acceptance. If I don't do everything right all the time, will they still accept me? Wi...