Journaling Helps the Journey

Journaling is a crazy good tool in the process of self-healing. I have come a long way, but I'm still "doing the work" every day. There are several areas in which it is easy for me to get out of balance. There are still old programs in there, perpetuating old story lines onto new situations. There are still shadows in the closet that need to be seen in the light and old wounds that need healing. Journaling helps this a great deal. I spill my guts to my journal. I tell it my dreams, both ones I hope to experience and the ones I experience when I sleep. I write poetry in it. I practice different techniques I learn. I train myself to see new positive programming in ambiguous situations. I write down notes from phone calls and conversations that resonate in meaningful ways. I take notes from books and videos. I write down phone numbers and addresses I want to make sure I keep. I write notes to friends. I work through things, unpack. I've gone through 3 notebooks and 4 in...