WAYFY: What are you telling yourself about your experience?

What would happen if you chose to accept yourself and your experience, right now, today, just as it is? What if you chose to see every event of your life, this moment included, as a miraculous "bridge of incidences" leading you to the fulfillment of your Soul's purpose, your life journey, and your heart's desires? What if, instead of dwelling in a state of judgement about yourself and others, ("I like this, I don't like that"; "this is good, this is bad,") you just accepted all of it as marvelously and wonderfully exactly what it was meant to be, right at that moment? 

How would you feel if you cut yourself a break? How would you feel if you stopped urging or pushing or shaming yourself from this perfect moment? What if you looked at this moment as containing every single ingredient for what it is you feel like is missing in some way? What if you looked at yourself and your life, right now, as whole and complete, in and of itself? What if nothing is actually "missing" from your life right now, it just hasn't "shown up" in 3-D quite yet?

What are you telling you about you? Your Subconscious is listening...it controls your experience, your thoughts, what you are able to perceive in every moment...what are you telling this magnificent part of you? 

Do you listen to your thoughts? Do you catch yourself saying unhelpful things? Do you catch yourself judging yourself or others? Do you catch yourself speaking into existence the exact opposite of what it is you say you want? What spells are you casting upon yourself, unconsciously, as you think your way through your day? 

Everyone wants to enjoy their day - do you prepare yourself for having a good day with words of encouragement and acceptance and validation for the moments to come? Do you prepare yourself to accept love and abundance and joy into your experience by priming yourself with positivity and self-acceptance? Do you perhaps muddle through well-rehearsed and over-used lines that no longer resonate with the experience you're trying to create? 

Do you tell yourself you can't function or think without the addition of some other sort of consciousness into your experience, (i.e. "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee...") Do you tell yourself, "today is going to be a great day!"? What is it you're saying, what is it that you're speaking into existence in every now moment? 

Hold yourself in a space of non-judgement, compassion and total acceptance, and truly look, ask, ponder - with curiousity, with humour about our humanness - and really dig deeply into your thoughts and what you're creating with your words. Meditation helps, yoga helps, intentional breath practice helps - many things can help us to slow our minds and take stock. It is the most valuable and important practice we can undertake, as co-creators of our experience, to take back control over our own powerful co-creations with the Universe - and we do this through our thoughts and our language.

So I invite you, right now, today, to harness your focus and awareness in this now moment, and lovingly evaluate where you are. Ask yourself questions. Where am I with my thoughts? When you catch yourself thinking, go into your body...did that thought feel good? Do I notice constriction or tightness in the chest/heart chakra or stomach/solar plexus? Do I feel tense or stressed at that thought? If so, it is a bell ringing in your magnificent human body that something needs examining. 

So, examine that thought. Do I truly believe that thought that just came into my awareness? If so, why do I believe that thought? Where did I get this thought or belief originally? 

Programming can come from childhood, television, other people, school...and a lot of our programming is based in self-defeating or limiting thoughts. So ask questions. Do I want this thought to continue in my experience, cropping up and causing me stress? What could I tell myself instead that feels better to me? 

This leads to re-programming. What beliefs do you want in your experience? What do you want to believe is true about you and your world? Write out some affirmations. Talk about the things you want, talk about the things you like about yourself, talk about the directions you would like to grow as if you're already there.

And most importantly, take care of, accept and love you! You are wonderful - exactly the person you are meant to be. You're doing great - you're right where you're meant to be on your path. Divorce yourself from egoic illusions of failure or "not good enough." Divorce yourself from your own running narrative and just accept. To get where you're going, it truly helps to accept where you are. 

Visit linktr.ee/Jen_Jared for my other projects, including some world-class whistling : )


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