"...Open the door To another door, to another door To another door, to another door...."

Caroline Polachek sings like an angel. Her song "Door" is one that gets stuck on a loop in my brain, and I find that oftentimes, songs stuck in a loop are teaching me something, helping me realize something I haven't yet allowed myself to see, or that of which I need to be reminded.

"Doors" brings to mind a vision I had in meditation one cloudy day in December. Outside of Portland, near the gigantic Forest Park, I was tending a puppy and a cat while their owners were traveling for the holidays. I drew myself a bath and declared the waters to be that of waters of insight. I added scented epsom salts and lit candles. I put on a guided YouTube meditation and lowered myself into the tub. I followed along with the guidance, and then there was a period of just music, creating that sacred space to meditate.

I was pulled into a vision of a hallway of doors. One of the doors opened, and I stepped through to find another hallway, full of doors. This process continued, opening "a door to another door to another door to another door", as Caroline's lyrics go. It was communicated to me that each door we choose is a choice we make. Each choice we make takes us to a set of other specific choices from which we can choose.

Making the same choice over and over will lead us to the same hallway of doors, perhaps varying slightly over the last set of doors, because everything is always changing, but remarkably similar. Like choosing the same type of romantic partner over and over, or choosing to ingest a substance with which we are well familiar, but in slightly different locations with a revolving cast of people making that same choice with you.

But making one different choice, choosing one different door, opens up a completely different hallway of doors - choices - from those to which we had prior access.

This even applies to thought choices, which can be tricky, especially if a lot of our thoughts are unconscious. Choosing to become conscious of our thoughts gives us back our power to make different choices with our thoughts, and therefore opens up different hallways with different doors.

By changing our thoughts, we can change our whole lives! And it starts with one - just one! - different choice.


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