When Life Doesn't Look Like Tripping Through the Daisies
You know, life doesn’t always look like happiness and light, and “wow, I’m so glad I’m alive”. Life can look like "failing" a lot at whatever expectations we have set for ourselves. Then it can look like shaming / trying not to shame ourselves for that perception of "failing."
When life doesn't look like happiness and light and "wow, I'm so glad I'm alive," it's often, I'm noticing, because I'm perceiving something in my life as wrong or bad or not as it should be. Coloring my life with this filter also leads to compulsive behaviors. I’ve figured out, I think, that nearly all my compulsive behaviors have an emotional trigger.
Emotional triggers can stem from all sorts of things. They can be in response to not having enough or in response to suddenly having after a long period of not-having. We can feel triggered from a conversation we have with someone in a connection which has a lot of emotional weight or history. We can feel triggered by the feelings we have based on the stories we tell ourselves about a situation, (which may be what's really going on, or may be wildly inaccurate.) Like when we text someone and don't hear back - do we tell ourselves they probably got busy, really care, and want to return our text when they have space? or do we tell ourselves it's because they don't value us and don't want to hear what we have to say?

So what is my point here? Well, by sharing authentically and transparently about my own - very human - experience, I want to show you that your own - very human - experience is more than okay, it's exactly what you're here to do. Consciousness is just doing what consciousness does, at all levels. When we're children, we make the kinds of choices children make. When we're taller, bigger, older children, we still make similar choices, just with bigger stakes. Obviously, we don't really want to hurt others or ourselves, and when we figure out that pain can result from a specific choice, we know better. We can choose differently. We call our choices that result in such pain "mistakes". But without pain, we wouldn't grow quite the same way. In fact, growth seems to almost require pain.
It's all good. It's all beautiful, even when it looks really ugly. It's all part of this life. It's part of us becoming ourselves. So love yourself. Really. Give yourself permission to value yourself, right now, just like you are. With all your "I should have said this," "I shouldn't have done that," - go right on ahead and wipe all that "should" off your shoulders. It doesn't belong to you. "Should" speaks about the past or the future. The past is gone. The future never arrives. In essence, it's all an illusion. All we have is right now, this moment.
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