What Are You Feeding Yourself About Others?

What our heart yearns for is our own love and acceptance, our own non-judgement of self and of others. It yearns for a space where we can live with an open-heart and an open mind, and where we accept self, others, situations and sensations as they arise and subside in our experience.

I am learning to pay attention/hold awareness of my body's physical state to help keep my thoughts in check. Our bodies and emotional states are informed by our thoughts. Unchecked, our thoughts can stem from programming instilled in us in childhood, or through television, schooling, religious systems, or other people, and they may not even be what we truly believe from our hearts. 

The body is a magnificently sophisticated and complex instrument. In it, we can experience life with all its ups and downs, emotional highs, emotional lows, love and loss. It has its own wisdom to share with us, and tells us in every now moment if what we are thinking feels good or feels bad. Beliefs or thoughts we choose which don't resonate with our heart's yearning show up in the body as stress, tension, and contraction. We long to live in joy and expansion, but we can be betrayed by our very own Thinking Mind. 

What is belief but a thought or idea we've told ourselves is true and reinforced again and again? Perhaps even judgements we hold against others, perceiving them as "wrong" or "bad" in some way for the beliefs they hold, (which may be from their own programming and life experiences,) or the choices they choose, comes from programmed beliefs that may no longer resonate with us. These sorts of judgements can reinforce validation that we are then "right" and therefore acceptable and good. 

If we accept ourselves as inherently good and acceptable, then there is no need to "other" in order to get the validation we seek. Rather than seeking it from others, or from a place of "they're wrong and bad, and therefore I am right and good," we speak it to ourselves. This can start as simply as not focusing on the one thing you forgot, when you remembered twelve other things, or not calling yourself "stupid" if you drop something or say the "wrong" thing, or can't find your car keys. 

Love yourself. Honor yourself. Accept yourself where you are! You have no idea, until you make the choice to do so, how liberating this one, seemingly simple, repeated choice can be. This one choice - of self-love and self-acceptance - has tendrils reaching into the very darkest parts of our shadow-filled closets. It affects our daily lives in such a monumental way. It is the foundation upon which a stable house is built.

Visit linktr.ee/Jen_Jared for my other projects, including some world-class whistling : )


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