
Showing posts from July, 2020

Trust. Let go.

"Trust. Let go of the need of trying to figure it all out and of making sense of it. Don't rush and try to fix it right away. Feel it. Allow yourself to come undone and surrender to the mystery of not knowing. Be willing to sit in the darkness as long as it takes. Allow yourself to finally fall, so that you can experience what it feels like to be held. This is the way to the rest that you have been looking for." - Caleb Campbell Let go. Freefall into the arms of what will catch you. You don't have to know what "it" is. It's a mystery that has been pondered and fought over for ages. At my current level of understanding, it makes the most sense to my brain to frame "it" as the Consciousness that is in everything and is everything. It is the building blocks of existence, it is that which looks through the windows of my eyes into the expanse, which is literally captured by the eye and projected onto sensors for my brain to perceive that wh...

Shine That Light

What thoughts are feeding yourself when you go out into world? At this time in Oregon, masks are required. It has been such an interesting experience for me, as someone who deeply loves people and deeply loves interacting with people and giving them reasons to smile or feel good about themselves. I watch as people try to navigate the world as themselves with these new restrictions, learning to adapt, learning to adjust their facial expressions so their sentiments can be read without the aid of the lower half of their face, learning how to balance fear of doing something "wrong" with the desire to just live their lives. As the youngest person on the property out where I live, I serve my little community by going to town to procure supplies and groceries. This has lead to so many wonderful opportunities to uplift people. I do not miss an opportunity to compliment someone on their hair or their eyes or their outfit or their mask. I am always smiling and whistling and singi...

Sensitive People! (aka How Does it Make You Feel When You Read That)

Protip! If you're a sensitive person and experiencing all the things we are experiencing in our now moments, you might be seeking to take a step back from less helpful substances or foods, (even if just for a time.) I find replacements to be very helpful. Having tea around and an electric kettle keeps me from reaching for something that sometimes soothes in the short term, but adds some undesirable component to my experience. "What brings this to mind, Jen?" You may ask. Well, today I heard a beautiful song in my head. This often happens, and the instruments change, and the sound, and the voice. I think I must think like a producer. But today it was an instrument that I've not only had experience with, but that I have 2, count them, two of them easily accessible to me. A beautiful white piano and a beautiful keyboard, a gift from some very dear clients of mine. A gift that I have yet to plug in. Perhaps if you're of the more curious nature, you think, "Wh...

Chop Wood, Carry Water

Chop Wood, Carry Water. The body must eat. The body must stay hydrated. The body must be cleansed. The body must stay warm. Chop Wood, Carry Water. Without wood, there is no fire for the cook stove. Without wood, there is no fire for the bathtub. Without wood, there is no heat from the hearth. Chop Wood, Carry Water. Without water, there is nothing to drink. Without water, there is nothing in which to bathe. Without water, there is nothing with which to cook. Without water, there is nothing with which to clean the dishes. When I ask my Guides what to do, they so often remind me, "Chop Wood, Carry Water." It's the rudimentary practices of life, it's the fundamental building blocks that lead us to the other magical endowments or open doors we seek. Therefore, when you feel stressed, when you feel trapped, when you feel helpless, when you do not know what to do, go back to the basics of being. Take care of your physical body. - exercise, m...

What Are You Feeding Your Mind?

I am an observer of people. In the quiet mind space I carefully cultivate, there is much room for non-judgmental observation. What happens with Subject A's energy when she eats sugar as opposed to days when she does not? What happens in Subject B's behavior when he watches "the news" for hours as opposed to a day when he goes into town for supplies? Most people seem unaware of the effects that the Programming they choose has on their thoughts, behaviors and the things they say. When we have unconscious patterns, (ie Rise, Pee, Brush Teeth, Check Social Media,) we're often unaware of how it's affecting our daily actions, because it *is* our daily actions. What we do every day determines our experience, and the quality thereof. I have gone through periods where I have gotten locked in an unconscious pattern, and it's only after a period of not  doing that certain pattern every day that I notice the resulting freedom I feel from it and the change in my ...